Tag: Sandwiches

Blog Post Photo of Lettuce Display Trout Lake Farmers Market. Also Used in Chicken, Brie, Mandarin Salad
My Stories

Got Lettuce?

You bet I do…I love the stuff!  And can hardly wait, each year, when locally grown lettuce is available at our farmer’s market. My husband Joe and I have had an ongoing “discussion” about the quantities of lettuce I think we should eat for years.  When we got married I stepped up and said I […]


Phyllis’ Meatloaf

Meatloaf!  It’s our kind of “comfort food.”  This recipe comes together easily, and a good thing to make on a work night.  The meatloaf can be served warm, room temperature or even cold.  My husband has a particular fondness for meatloaf sandwiches! For the Meatloaf: 1 ½ lbs. ground beef ½ lbs. ground veal ¼ […]